Here is a picture that was taken for the newspaper including Justin Tuijl. Joyce and Edwin’s grandson. The location is the playground of Broad Street school which was just across the road from the Whittlesey shop. Justin is far right (holding the change in his pocket!). Justin lived above the shop 1971 to 1975. Son of Edward and Elaine Tuijl (née: Gunn). They moved to Thetford in 1975 but returned often to visit family in Whittlesey.

Justin’s other grandparents were Aart Tuijl and Florence Tuijl nee Williamson. Aart was from Rotterdam and came over after the WW2. He worked at Perkins Diesels in Peterborough. Florence worked at the Searle’s florist opposite the buttercross in Whittlesey.
Justin has led a colourful life since this picture. Including living in South America and Asia in order to save the planet in the rain-forests. He concluded that the planet was quite capable of saving itself. He now lives in an old church in the remote Scottish Highlands (those Gunn roots you see) with his British-American wife TyLean. Like Joyce, Justin is a keen writer, puts his creative effort into webdesign and making music, and his practical effort into restoring an old church (practicality learnt from his nan and grandad). Rather than link to it here, a quick Google of his name will glean further info if you are so interested.